Since 1998 Franki has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
Viaduct - Ensival
Renovation of the viaduct of Ensival...
Truck bridge MPET Deurganckdok -...
Construction of a Truck Bridge over St...
Pont de Luttre - Luttre
Replacement of the 'Pont de Luttre' over the canal Charleroi-Brussels.
Our assignment included:
- Various preparatory works;
- The local relocation of towpaths on both banks of the canal (for the construction of the new intermediate piers);
- The construction of two new abutments and two new intermediate piers;
- The construction of a new bridge deck;
- The construction of new roads connecting to the new bridge, including the construction of new connections to the various public and private entrances;
- The demolition of the existing bridge and the roads connecting to the existing bridge;
- The construction of new accesses to the towpath on the banks of Pont-Ã -Celles (pedestrian stairs + cycle path);
- The development of the surrounding area and equipment of the structures.
Project Details
Luttre, Hainaut, Belgium
SPW Direction des voies hydrauliques de Namur et Charleroi
Construction period
2 years 5 months
Start work
End of work